Unmatched Technical Expertise
Our LEED Consulting is unmatched in the industry. We know what LEED rating and certification requires and we will therefore accomplish that for you.
Quick Turnaround
Our LEED Consulting Certification through USGBC is the quickest. We snure that everything is 100% before submissions.
Confirm Environmental Concerns With Accurate Phase II ESAs
Mitigate Risks For Higher Profitability
Sometimes when we have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA), we may recommend you to go for further investigation. This is needed to confirm the findings of our Phase I ESA which doesn’t include any digging or testing of soil or groundwater samples.
You may also need to probe your property with comprehensive testing in order to be sure of the contaminants or environmental implications.
In such cases, you will need to go for a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment or Phase II ESA. The assessment will involve sampling and laboratory analysis to confirm the presence or absence of any hazardous material and their contamination. We will perform several tests as a part of your Phase II ESA such as analysis of water samples, subsurface soil samples, geophysical testing and more.
Phase II ESAs are important because environmental liabilities or contamination can significantly bring down the value of a property. It is a way to reduce your liabilities and future remedial expenses on your investment by confirming the presence or absence of contaminants.
If you don’t make an effort to get a clear and detailed picture of seemingly limited recognized environmental concerns (REC), you might be landing yourself in a great risk. We can limit your risk by performing a full-scale Phase II ESA and protect you from significant environmental liabilities and long-term costs.
ATC Designers has a team of experienced engineers and geologists who are qualified and authorized to perform Phase II ESAs. We undertake Phase II ESAs to further our investigation and confirm the RECs uncovered during our initial assessment. Our company helps you get aware of the environmental implications so that you can make a sound investment free from unforeseeable risks.
When Do You Need A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment?
Whether you need a Phase II ESA or not depends on a number of factors. To begin with, you will not need a Phase II ESA if you haven’t done a Phase I ESA. Phase II ESAs are only applicable when the Phase I ESA uncovers potential recognized environmental conditions (REC) or contamination in your property and requires further investigation to confirm the presence or absence of threats.
Let’s say you have done a Phase I ESA and the findings didn’t recognize any potential threats. In this case, you don’t need to go for Phase II ESA and the Phase I ESA will be the end of things.
Now let’s assume the Phase I ESA report comes back with a chance of contamination. You then have to confirm the presence of the contaminants through further testing as Phase I ESAs don’t involve any digging or evaluation of samples for contamination. Thus we can say that Phase II ESAs are based on the findings of the Phase I ESA and provides a more varied and comprehensive analysis.
For example, Phase II ESAs can include the surficial and sub-surficial soil analysis, groundwater assessment, indoor air sampling and more to supplement the findings of Phase I ESA.
It’s safe to say that all Phase I ESAs don’t lead to Phase II ESAs. You should be cautious if anyone says otherwise because they might just want to steer you in the wrong direction and milk you for more money. That’s also the reason why some firms offer Phase I ESA at dirt cheap prices and always tag along Phase II ESA with their service. You should remember that a Phase II ESA is only required if the prior assessment reveals potential threats or environmental hazards.
You should always go for an honest and reliable firm for all your environmental due diligence needs. We are always clear about our approach and never adopt dishonest ways to game our clients. Even though it’s not necessary, you are free to go for Phase II ESA if you find it important to establish the safety of your property. It’s completely your call!
Sub-Services We Provide
- Heat Recovery System Design
- Custom Air Handling Unit Design
- Ventilation System Design
- Outside Air System Design
- Sub Slab Depressurization System
- Laboratory Exhaust System
- Commercial Kitchen Hood Exhaust
- Indoor Air Quality Filtration Systems
- Water Cooled System Design
- Air Cooled AC System Design
- Legalization
- VRF System Design
We Combine Strict Standards and Best Practices for Optimum Results
Phase II ESAs are mainly concerned with the collection and analysis of soil, water or air samples from the site of the property. You should remember that no two Phase II ESAs are same as circumstances and properties can differ by a great extent. Also, each property will have varying RECs which will also determine the tests and analyses we need to carry out.
What stays common for all Phase II ESAs is the collection and testing of samples in laboratories. Based on your project, we may perform several tests which can include but are not limited to-
Surficial Soil and Water Samples
We can collect and test soil samples under different circumstances. Some examples may include the sighting of oil stains on the soil, sheen on accumulated water, and so on. Our team uses advanced field testing equipment to determine the initial presence or absence of contaminants and may also collect samples for further analysis in the laboratory.
The analysis will help us determine if the soil or water quality of your property meets state or federal regulations.
Subsurface Soil Borings
Soil contamination in some properties extends well below the surface of the soil. In such cases, we need to collect soil samples from lower depths or the subsurface.
Our team will use field testing equipment and also send the soil samples to our laboratories for further testing. We use different methods to collect subsurface soil such as boring and drilling.
Groundwater Sampling
We may need to test groundwater samples for certain properties which have a chance of groundwater contamination. For example, properties which have underground storage tanks may require groundwater testing for contamination.
Earlier, groundwater sampling needed the installation of conventional wells. But with advance of technology, we can use temporary monitoring wells which are more convenient and hassle-free. We can collect groundwater on the same day of the installation of the well with minimum waste generation.
Our team will collect soil samples during drilling and groundwater samples from the well and perform further analysis in our laboratory.
Drum Sampling
Many properties have unmarked drums which can become potential environmental hazards and REC. Our team will check out all the drums or containers in your property to ensure they do not pose any risk. We will also sample and analyze the content of the drums to determine the material inside.
We can also help you determine the proper way to dispose the contents of the drum in compliance with local and federal regulations.
Catch Basins, Floor Drains and Dry Wells Sampling
Catch basins, floor drains and dry wells can also become the source of environmental concerns. The structures may contain materials which can be classified as RECs. We will collect the samples of the materials from the installations and their outfalls for testing in our laboratories.
Transformer and Capacitor Sampling
Traditional transformers used Polychlorinated Biphenyls or PCB oil. We will check the markings of the transformers to find out the ones that are not labeled for PCB, as they are the usual suspects.
We will conduct sampling to determine the absence or presence of PCB.
Geophysical Testing
Properties which have buried tanks or drums will need geophysical testing. We used advanced equipment after setting up grids to test for buried drums and tanks from over the ground. This helps us identify potential areas for disturbed soil or metal.
Soil Excavation
We may need to carry out excavations to test for buried waste or tanks which might be of environmental concern. Our team can also excavate to confirm the findings of geophysical testing.
We will excavate the soil and create test pits so that we can access the soil and waste for conducting sampling and laboratory analysis.
Evaluation of Underground Storage Tanks
Commercial or industrial properties used underground storage tanks for operation such as gas stations. We test the underground storage tanks for their integrity and also set up tank pit monitoring wells to collect samples. Our team will also assess the interstitial monitoring points in the underground tanks for potential leaks.
We also review previous test results, permits and inventory records for incidents of discharge or leaks.
Indoor Air Quality
The air quality of your property can have a significant impact on the health of the occupants. That’s why we test indoor air for the presence of chemicals, mold and soil contamination. We collect air samples for both chemical and biological analysis in our laboratories.
Our team will compare the biological testing with outdoor ambient conditions while results of chemical analysis are compared with applicable standards for indoor air quality.
We will include all our findings in a comprehensive report with detailed description of each REC identified during Phase I ESA. The report will include results of laboratory analysis and also recommendations on mitigating the RECs. Our team can deliver the report in convenient electronic formats to save paper as some reports can run into hundreds of pages.
System Components In Our Designs
- Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) System
- Split Air Conditioner
- Packaged Air Conditioner
- Water Cooled System Design
- Air Cooled AC System Design
- Water Source Heat Pump
- Air Source Heat Pump Design
- Air Side Economizer Design
- Water Side Economizer Design
- Hot Water Radiators Design
- Boiler Plants
- Heat Exchanger Design
- Cooling Tower MEP Design
- Water Pump Systems Design
- Glycol System Services Design
- Radiant Heat Design
- NYE Boiler Design Services
- Chiller System Design
- Dual Fuel Boiler Design
- Centrifugal Chiller Design
- Exhaust Fan Design
- Absorption Chiller MEP Design
- PTAC Design Services
- Window Air Conditioner Design
- Steam Pressure Reducing Valve Station
- Steam Radiators Design
- Chilled Beams Design
- Building Automation System Design
- Building Management System (BMS) Design
The Best Environmental Professionals In The Industry
Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Some investors don’t need to carry out a full-scale Phase II ESA on their properties. For them, we offer limited Phase II ESA for clients who need to confirm the presence of a REC which is limited by number of sampling, areas of sampling and media sampled. You can carry out limited Phase II ESA to assess the following circumstances and make an informed decision-
- Phase I ESA has identified a minor REC or one that is limited in scope
- To confirm the risks of a single REC that might increase your risks significantly
- A REC which needs further discovery to find out the extent of contamination
We can help you determine if you need a full-scale Phase II ESA or limited ESA based on your circumstances and Phase I ESA results.
Why Choose ATC Designers?
ATC Designers offers Phase II ESA through qualified environmental professionals. We use advanced technology and equipment to collect samples from the site with minimum disruptions. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped to carry out comprehensive tests and analyses of samples we collect from the site.
We also employ experienced engineers and geologists who offer a quality assessment providing you accurate results. With our help, you can get full knowledge of your property so that you can inform your transaction decisions. We can help you take your investment in the right direction by reducing risks and uncovering potential costs.
Get in touch with us to discuss your Phase II ESA needs. If required, we can also offer Phase I, Phase III and Phase IV ESA as per your requirements.
Agencies Approvals We Secure
- Department Of Buildings (DOB)
- OER Approval
- Electrical Review Board
- National Electrical Committee (NEC)
Customized Design Services
- Tiny House Design
- Landmarks Building Design
- Modular Building Design
- Prefab Building Design